About a month before graduation, students who intend to earn the PTWC must submit a PTWC portfolio with the four genres/documents described below: 1) a résumé, 2) a professional report, 3) a job letter or other example of professional correspondence, and 4) one other professional writing sample.

Portfolio documents may be revised/updated documents written as part of a students' coursework or may be from an internship, paid work experience, or volunteer opportunities.

Portfolio documents should be written for professional audiences/contexts and should demonstrate a students' professional communication skills. Academic papers—argumentative essays, literary analysis, and literary criticism—are not appropriate for the PTWC portfolio.



Students' PTWC portfolios must contain four genres/documents described below: 1) a résumé, 2) a job letter or other example of professional correspondence, 3) a professional report, and 4) one other professional writing sample.

résuméat least one single-spaced page

PTWC portfolios must include an up-to-date résumé (or CV) written or revised within the last six months. Résumés should be professionally written and revised/edited for clarity and correctness.

job letter or other professional correspondenceat least one single-spaced page

PTWC portfolios must include either a job letter or another example of professional correspondence. (job letters and professional correspondence should be at least one single-spaced page).

job letter: A job letter (or resume cover letter) is sent with a professional resume as part of an employment application. Typically, job letters express interest in a position, discuss qualifications, and provide detail about items from the resume—details that are particularly relevant to the skills, requirements, experience, knowledges, and/or abilities in a job advertisement.

other professional correspondence: Other professional correspondence includes letters, memos, or emails written to professional audiences for professional purposes.

professional reportat least two single-spaced pages

PTWC portfolios must include a professional report—it may be short (at least two single-spaced pages) and may be written in a variety of subgenres. Examples of professional reports—those written for professional audiences in professional contexts—include progress reports, feasibility studies, proposals, recommendation reports, research reports, SWOT analyses, case studies, etc.

other professional writing sampleat least two single-spaced pages

PTWC portfolios must include at least one other writing sample (not already represented in the portfolio) that demonstrates the students' ability to write professionally. The other professional writing sample can be a document written as part of a students' coursework, internship, paid work experience, or volunteer experience.

Examples of other professional writing samples—written for professional audiences in professional contexts—include:

professional social media content
instructions, procedures, or policies
white paper
brochure or newsletter
grant or funding application
audience or client profile
product or service description
proposal or recommendation report
set of press releases
branding, style, editorial guide
interview for trade publication
technical specifications
document set for potential donors
social media campaign proposal
demographic profile / analysis


Please save portfolio documents as .pdf files with your last name and document type in the filename. For example, Benedict Cumberbatch would save his resume as Cumberbatch-Resume.pdf and his job letter as Cumberbatch-Letter.pdf, etc.

Email files as separate attachments to with the subject line "PTWC Portfolio Submission."

For Summer 2024 graduates, send your portfolio no later than 5pm on Friday, July 19th.

Tentative forthcoming PTWC Portfolio Deadlines:

  • for Fall 2024 graduates – 5pm on Friday November 15
  • for Spring 2025 graduates – 5pm on Friday March 28
  • for Summer 2025 graduates – 5pm on Friday July 18


What's the difference between professional writing and academic writing?
For the purposes of the PTWC portfolio, writing that demonstrates a students' skill in professional writing is writing that is written for a professional purpose and to a professional audience OR writing that approximates professional contexts, purposes, and audiences.
For example, a business plan for a cookie delivery service written for an entrepreneurship class would be an example of professional writing since it approximates a professional context (starting up a business), a professional purpose (a small business loan application), and a professional audience (a bank loan officer or potential investor).
Academic writing, on the other hand, is usually done for the purposes of practice, evaluation, or demonstration of academic thinking, writing, and/or research skill—and so, does not demonstrate skill in professional writing. Examples of academic writing include a literary analysis essay written for an Intro to Literature class and a researched argumentative paper about the causes of the Pastry War written for a History of Latin America class. Neither of these examples demonstrate professional writing, and so, are not be appropriate for the PTWC Portfolio.
Can I submit documents I wrote for FAU classes?
Yes, as long as the documents demonstrate your skill in professional writing (not academic writing).
Can I submit a document I wrote for work/an internship?
Yes, as long as the document demonstrates your skill in professional writing (not academic writing). Be sure your workplace or internship supervisor is okay with you sharing the document as part of your portfolio.
I'm not sure if a document I have is appropriate for the PTWC Portfolio. What do I do?
Email it to the director for review.
I don't have a report (or "other" professional writing) to include in my portfolio. What do I do?
Are you sure? Most ENC 3213 classes ask students to write some sort of report. And, if you took an ENG 4940 or COM 3945 internship, or if your IDS internship was approved for the PTWC, you probably did some sort of "other" professional writing. Go back through your files and check.
If you can't find a report (or other professional writing), if you've lost the file, or if you haven't written a report/other professional writing, then you'll have to write something specifically for the PTWC portfolio. If you find yourself in this situation, email the director for guidance.


ENC 3213 | Professional Writing
GEB 3213 | Intro to Business Com
ENG 4940 | English Internship
COM 3945 | Communication Internship
CRW 3010 | Creative Writing
ENC 3310 | Advanced Exposition
ENG 4020 | Studies in Writing & Rhetoric
PUR 4411 | Public & Com Relations
ENC 4138 | Principles of Research Writing
SPC 2608 | Public Speaking


ENC 3213 | Professional Writing
GEB 3213 | Intro to Business Com
ENG 4940 | English Internship
CRW 3010 | Creative Writing
PAD 4202 | Funding for Nonprofit Orgs
SPC 2608 | Public Speaking


ENC 3213 | Professional Writing
GEB 3213 | Intro to Business Com
ENG 4940 | English Internship
COM 3945 | Communication Internship
CRW 3010 | Creative Writing
ENC 3310 | Advanced Exposition
ENG 4202 | Studies in Writing & Rhetoric
PUR 4411 | Public & Com Relations
ISM 4054 | Social Media & Web Tech
PAD 3438 | Com Skills for Public Man
SPC 2608 | Public Speaking